

The Houston Symphony is a Grammy Award-winning, 107-year-old organization that ranks among the top 15 orchestras in the United States.
For three years I served as the production manager and designer of the in-house publication InTune Magazine. For the last year, I served as lead designer for the entire organization. In these roles I worked with all departments to further the mission to inspire and engage a large and diverse audience in Greater Houston.

InTune Magazine

This in-house publication was produced monthly and distributed at each performance at Jones Hall and Miller Outdoor Theatre. The issues included institutional and artistic information about our organization and concerts. A full archive of InTune Magazine and other short-form publications can be found via the Houston Symphony’s ISSUU feed.

2020–21 Season Brochure

As lead designer of the organization I was tasked with developing the Houston Symphony’s 2020–21 Season Brochure. In this process I organized all logistics with the musician photoshoots, designed the aesthetic of the brochure, and managed all pricing and production through delivery of the final product. This brochure is the cornerstone of the 2020–21 season identity. Photography by Claire McAdams.

Marketing & Direct Mail

Periodically I assisted the marketing designer with assets such as digital ads, postcards, posters & calendar mailers.

Concert Conceptual Design

In the 2019–20 Season, the marketing team branded each concert with its own artistic style. A custom look was developed for each performance to set it apart from the season as a whole. These are some of the concepts I created.


Throughout each season, the Development department produced an array of events, campaigns and promotional items to raise money for the organization. While working with this team I designed multiple pieces of varying complexity to coincide with their fundraising efforts.

Video Production & Editing

I also utilized my knowledge of video production and editing to create a set of videos for the 2018 European Tour and to produce a short web series titled Classical Notes.


